Price list
Below is just a sample of the services Hollingwells offer and our standard prices.
Bespoke services will be quoted for at the time of enquiry.
Our current weight limit for riders in the interest of our horses is 15 stone - please contact us direct if you have any queries.

Riding Lessons
Speciality Rides
30 Minute on/off lead rein........ £25.00
1 Hour .............................................. £40.00
1.5 hours...……………………………….........£60.00
2 Hours ............................................£70.00
1/2 day ride................................... £100.00
Private - individual - plus 75%
Private - couple - plus 40%
Private - group - plus 25%
30 minute group............................£22.00
1 hour group....................................£32.00
45 min private....,...........................£42.00
Jumping lesson .............................+15%
Lesson blocks = 6 x 30mins.......£108.00
= 6 x 1hr...............£168.00
= 6 x 45min.......£228.00
Own horse - 45min private.........£30.00
- 1hr group...........£22.00
Mini picnic ride - 2hrs incl food and drink...................................................... £85.00
Half day picnic - 3hrs incl food and drink.......................................................£115.00
Full day picnic - 5hrs incl food and drink......................................................£175.00
Private couple - plus 40%
Private group - plus 25%
Animal Feeds
Arena Hire
We stock and supply a wide range of animal feeds - please contact us directly for up to date prices.
DIY livery (Edderton)..............£120 p/month
Schooling livery........................£120.00 p/wk
Breaking livery........................£180.00 p/wk
Holiday livery - ridden..........£100.00 p/wk
-non ridden....£50.00 p/wk
Private - max 2 horse..................£20.00p/hr
- 3horse or more............£30.00p/hr
Jump hire...........................................£10.00p/hr